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The Global Nighttime Recovery Plan Unveils Guide on How to Set Up Systems of Nighttime Governance

Deep House Bible

The Global Nighttime Recovery Plan is a collaborative and efficient guide for cities on setting up systems of nighttime governance. It aims to provide the best route to design and execute a safe and feasible strategy to re-open their nighttime economies.

Image: Cityfox

Cultural, economic, and community nighttime activities are fundamental to a city’s vibrancy and productivity. With the pandemic, clubs and venues will likely be the last to re-open, throwing nighttime economies and cultures into uncertainty and despair.

Health workers, experts, advocates, and industry representatives from 70 cities worldwide are coming together to share frameworks, tools, and practices during these unusual times. Through a knowledge-sharing platform, the guide explores different ways cities can begin re-opening their nightlife during and post-COVID to ensure that this especially vulnerable sector can come back stronger than ever.

In creating a supportive global network, nighttime stakeholders can collaborate with experts from different fields by sharing ideas and working together to find the best solutions that can be transferred from one city to another.

The Nighttime Plan is divided into a set of themes addressing specific issues that cities are facing globally.

Some cities such as Tokyo, Melbourne, Montreal, and Helsinki have already established their institutions to govern nightlife and have been significant influences for the guide.

“What these cities have in common is that many of their nighttime institutions were either created right before or in context of the pandemic or have been reconfigured to respond to the challenges and difficulties posed by the crisis. These examples show that solidarity and cooperation between stakeholders - both state and non-state as well as academia and civil society organizations - are more vital than ever” - The Nighttime Recovery Plan


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